V’s Secret Remedies


Nature and our beautiful earth have provided all that you need to be healed. Hypocrites said ” let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”


This collection of videos was produced after Vicky healed herself of a large tumor near her heart in 2021. The team at V Well wanted to capture what Vicky used to heal herself and maintain a state of great health.


Series of 25 videos short videos


Nature and our beautiful earth have provided all that you need to be healed. Hypocrites said ” let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”


This collection of videos was produced after Vicky healed herself of a large tumor near her heart in 2021. The team at V Well wanted to capture what Vicky used to heal herself and maintain a state of great health.


This collection is her treatment and her therapies. This saved her life and in turn made her stronger, but it is in no way advice or treatment for you.


Vicky and the team at V Well are not offering medical advice by offering this collection. This is shared by Vicky as a result of her immense gratitude and is not intended to be medical advice. For medical advice, please consult your physician.