The Art of Living Well


A transformational journey to true health, purpose and happiness


This unique and transformational program was first utilized from top US hospitals for their nurses and physicians, as well as Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes and famous charity organizations.


Master Course Includes:

✔️ A Master Course as offered in leading hospitals, Fortune 500 companies and professional athletes

✔️ Weekly pledge to help you stay committed

✔️ Daily articles written by Vicky to educate, inform and inspire you on your health journey

✔️ Weekly Prerecorded Q&A videos that will answer all the questions you might have

✔️ 24 x Sessions of Video Content (2 sessions each week)

✔️ This is all you need to achieve self-realization!


The Art of Living Well

A transformational journey to true health, purpose and happiness

with Vicky DeRosa

Healthy Living Expert, Activist, Public Speaker, TEDx Speaker + Entrepreneur


This unique and transformational program was first utilized from top US hospitals for their nurses and physicians, as well as Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes and famous charity organizations.
After seeing huge success rates with our program, we decided to create this 3-month online Master Course so we could reach as many people as possible, driven by our vision to help humanity become their own personal healers.


Through this Master Course you will learn how to prevent disease, strengthen your immune system, lose weight in a truly healthy way and live a stress free life by realizing how to live in the present moment.


You will learn everything from A to Z about health, including how to read a nutrition label, how to shop, how to cook and especially how to eat!
You will also learn tricks about exercising less but more efficiently, preparing very healthy but also very tasty meals, how to meditate in a way that doesn’t feel like a chore and everything else you need to truly live a happy and fulfilling life.


You will find this Master Course very easy to do, because you will be able to download three videos per week and watch them at the most convenient time for you.
Any questions that may come up for you will be answered as though you have direct access to the V Well Team since you will also receive weekly Q&A videos where hundreds of people have already asked any question possible!


Believe us and the thousands of people that have taken this Master Course when we tell you that you’ll be transformed into the happiest person you can imagine, because you will finally have the health, energy and peace you have always dreamed of.
You will never need to go to another dietitian, nutrition workshop or health guru again!
This is our promise!


– V Well Team


Master Course Includes:

✔️ A Master Course as offered in leading hospitals, Fortune 500 companies and professional athletes

✔️ Weekly pledge to help you stay committed

✔️ Daily articles written by Vicky to educate, inform and inspire you on your health journey

✔️ Weekly Prerecorded Q&A videos that will answer all the questions you might have

✔️ 24 x Sessions of Video Content (2 sessions each week)

✔️ This is all you need to achieve self-realization!